
I am a Professor of Psychology at the University of Western Ontario (Western University) in London, Ontario. An award-winning lecturer, I teach courses on cognitive psychology and thinking at the undergraduate and graduate level.  I’m also an author and have written textbooks and popular nonfiction.

My psychology research seeks to understand how people organize their experiences into categories and concepts and how conceptual structure influences thinking. My experimental psychology lab is in the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building, along with the other members of the Brain and Mind Institute. My research team consists of several graduate students, honours students, and research assistants, and is funded by several grants from the Canadian government (NSERC and SSHRC) and by grants from Western University. Please see my lab page for full details on my research and for a full list of my publications.

The writing on my blog does not reflect the views of my University. I mostly write about psychology, higher education, and science and occasionally politics, running, food, and cats.

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